Upcoming Professional Development Opportunities for Graduate Students

MIT Mechanical Engineering Graduate Travel Grants

MIT Mechanical Engineering Department is pleased to again offer five Graduate Travel Grants of $1,500 to support the travel of MechE graduate students to present their graduate research at a conference or participate in an academic workshop. The Travel Grants, which will be awarded competitively as an academic honor twice yearly, aim to facilitate student professional development by promoting participation in the student’s broader research community or exposure to specialty topics. MechE graduate students are encouraged to apply for a Graduate Travel Grant in one of the following areas:

  • Sontheimer Travel Award in Mechanical Engineering
  • Keck Travel Award in Thermal Sciences
  • Den Hartog Travel Award in Mechanics
  • SNAME Travel Award in Ocean Engineering
  • DeFlorez Travel Award in Design and Manufacturing

One Graduate Travel Grant will be awarded in each category each semester.

The fall deadline for student submissions is generally in October, and will be announced when fall applications open.

Questions can be directed to Alexandra Cabral.