Online Webinar Series

About InnoTherm
Sustainability challenges such as climate change, food, water and environmental issues call for researchers in different disciplines around the globe to take action and work collaboratively. Over 90% of our energy consumption and utilization involves heat, and thus heat will play an indispensable role is solving global challenges such as climate change. Thermal energy is everywhere, from electricity generation to maintaining human comfort, from materials processing to food preparation, from computer chip cooling to battery operation safety.
The International Colloquia on Thermal Innovations (InnoTherm) series aims to stimulate and highlight innovations and advances in theory, materials, devices, and systems for efficient thermal energy conversion, storage, transport and utilization. The colloquia include seminars and panel discussions, with speakers from around the world and across different disciplines. The colloquia are delivered online and interactive with audience.
Sponsored by MIT Department of Mechanical Engineering
Organizers: Gang Chen (Chair), Asegun Henry (co-chair)
John Lienhard, and Evelyn Wang
Upcoming InnoTherm Colloquia
Past Colloquia
- Colloquium No. 26: Fusion Reactor First Wall Cooling
Dennis Whyte, Director, Plasma Science and Fusion Center; Hitachi America Professor of Engineering, MIT
John Lienhard (Moderator), MIT
Wednesday, May 26, 2021
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Questions from Zoom Q&A
- Colloquium No. 25: Materials Alchemy: Shape-Preserving Chemical Transformations for Generating 3-D Structures for Thermal, Chemical, and Optical Applications
Kenneth Sandhage, Reilly Professor of Materials Engineering, Purdue University
Ase Henry (Moderator), MIT
Wednesday, May 12, 2021
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Questions from Zoom Q&A
- Colloquium No. 24: Opportunities in Nanoengineered Surface Designs
Doris Vollmer, Max Planck Institute for Polymer Research, Germany
Dimos Poulikakos, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich, Switzerland
Nenad Miljkovic, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
Yas Takata, Kyushu University, Japan
Dan Preston (Moderator), Rice University
Wednesday, April 28, 2021
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Questions from Zoom Q&A
- Colloquium No. 23: Dynamic and Tunable Thermal Storage and Transport
Ravi Prasher, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, & Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Ase Henry, (Moderator), MIT
Wednesday, April 14, 2021
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- Colloquium No. 22: Aligning Policy to Decarbonize Thermal Energy Systems in Industry
Colin Cunliff, Senior Policy Analyst, Information Technology and Innovation Foundation (ITIF)
Blaine Collison, Executive Director, Renewable Thermal Collaborative. Senior Vice President, David Gardiner and Associates
Zhiyuan Fan, Research Associate, Columbia University Center on Global Energy Policy
Addison K Stark, (Moderator), Associate Director of Energy Innovation, Bipartisan Policy Center
Wednesday, March 31, 2021
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- Colloquium No. 21: Advances in Additive Manufacturing for Heat Transfer Applications
Bill King, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
Jae Sung Son, Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology, South Korea
Ole Sigmund, Technical University of Denmark, Denmark
Saniya LeBlanc (Moderator), The George Washington University
Wednesday, March 17, 2021
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- Colloquium No. 20: Sorption technologies for space-conditioning, thermal storage and carbon capture
Srinivas Garimella, Georgia Tech
Ase Henry (Moderator), MIT
Wednesday, March 3, 2021
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Questions from Zoom Q&A
- Colloquium No. 19: Alternative Refrigerants
Pega Hrnjak, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
Dr. Bob Low (Bio), Koura Global, UK
Stefan Elbel (Moderator), University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
Wednesday, February 17, 2021
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Questions from Zoom Q&A
- Colloquium No. 18: The Impact and Future of Thermal Metrology
David Cahill, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
Samuel Graham, Georgia Tech
Li Shi, The University of Texas at Austin
Hsin Wang, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Amy Marconnet (Moderator), Purdue University
Wednesday, February 3, 2021
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Questions from Zoom Q&A
- Colloquium No. 17: High temperature direct energy conversion: thermophotovoltaic and thermionic technologies
Andrej Lenert, University of Michigan
Jared Schwede (Bio), Spark thermionics Inc.
Alejandro Datas (Bio), Polytechnic University of Madrid, Spain
Gang Chen (Moderator), MIT
Tuesday, December 8, 2020
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- Colloquium No. 16: Thermal Desalination by Membrane Distillation
David Warsinger, Purdue University
Shihong Lin, Vanderbilt University
Qilin Li, Rice University
Guillermo Zaragoza (Bio), Solar Desalination Unit, Almeria Solar Platform
John Lienhard (Moderator), MIT
Tuesday, November 10, 2020
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Questions from Zoom Q&A
- Colloquium No. 15: Dry is the new cool: advanced dehumidification research for high performance cooling
Reinhard Radermacher, University of Maryland
Forrest Meggers, Princeton University
Eric Kozubal, NREL
David Claridge, Texas A&M
Les Norford (Moderator), MIT
Tuesday October 27, 2020
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Questions from Zoom Q&A
- Colloquium No. 14: The Future of Concentrating Solar Power (CSP)
Fred Morse (Bio), President, Morse Associate, Inc., former Senior Advisor at Abengoa Solar
Avi Shultz, Program Manager, DoE CSP
Mark Mehos, National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Clifford Ho, Sandia National Laboratories
Julián Blanco (Bio), Director, CIEMAT-Plataforma Solar de Almería, Spain
Zhifeng Wang, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences
Ase Henry (Moderator), MIT
Tuesday October 13, 2020
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Questions from Zoom Q&A
- Colloquium No. 13: Thermal Materials for Building Walls and Windows
Jan Kosny, University of Massachusetts, Lowell
Elise Strobach (Bio), Co-founder and CEO of Aeroshield Inc., US
Long Yi, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
Leon Glicksman (Moderator), MIT
Tuesday September 29, 2020
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Questions from Zoom Q&A
- Colloquium No. 12: Personal Thermal Comfort
Renkun Chen, University of California, San Diego
Yi Cui, Stanford University
Jintu Fan, Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Svetlana Boriskina (Moderator), MIT
Tuesday September 15, 2020
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Questions from Zoom Q&A
- Colloquium No. 11: Earth's Energy Balance
Daniel Murphy, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
Graeme Stephens, NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Veerabhadran Ramanathan, University of California, San Diego
Kyle Armour, University of Washington
John Marshall (Moderator), MIT
Wednesday September 2, 2020
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Questions from Zoom Q&A
- Colloquium No. 10: Thermal Management of Electric Vehicles: New Engineering Challenges
Cristina Amon, University of Toronto, Canada
Jürgen Köhler, University of Braunschweig, Germany
Stefan Elbel, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Jürgen Wertenbach (Bio), retired, Senior Engineer Emeritus, Daimler, Germany
Aydin Nabovati (Bio) (Moderator), Tesla
Wednesday August 19, 2020
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Questions from Zoom Q&A
- Colloquium No. 9: Significant Role of Hydrogen toward Sustainable Development Goals
Ken Okazaki, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan
Arun Majumdar, Stanford University
Yasuyuki Takata, Kyushu University, Japan
Junichiro Shiomi (Moderator), University of Tokyo, Japan
Wednesday August 5, 2020
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Questions from Zoom Q&A
- Colloquium No. 8: High Thermal Conductivity Materials
David Broido, Boston College
Bara Cola, Georgia Tech
Yongjie Hu, UCLA
Sara Rona (Bio), Sabic Inc., Netherlands
Sara Ronca is a staff scientist at SABIC. She received her PhD in 2003 from the University of Naples Federico II, Italy, in Chemical Science. Before joining the SABIC Inc, Sara worked in the Loughborough University as a researcher and lecturer. Her specialties include: Organic and organometallic synthesis, handling of air and moisture-sensitive compounds, polymerization of gaseous and liquid olefins.
Wednesday July 22, 2020
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Questions from Zoom Q&A
- Colloquium No. 7: Extracting Water from Air
Jean Humphrey, Johns Hopkins
Guihua Yu, The University of Texas at Austin
Peng Wang, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology, Saudi Arabia, and The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong
Ruzhu Wang, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China
Tiejun Zhang, (Moderator), Khalifa University, UAE
Wednesday July 8, 2020
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- Colloquium No. 6: Battery Thermal Management and Safety
Yi Cui , Stanford University
Eric Darcy, NASA
Ahmad Pesaran, NREL
Chao-Yang Wang, Pennsylvania State University
Cristina Amon, (Moderator), University of Toronto
Wednesday June 17, 2020
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- Colloquium No. 5: Getting the Heat Out – Electronics Cooling from Smartphones to Data Centers
Ken Goodson, Stanford University
Dereje Agonafer (Moderator), University of Texas at Arlington
Wednesday June 3, 2020
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Questions from Zoom Q&A
- Colloquium No. 4: HVAC Systems: Centralized or Decentralized
Yi Jiang, Tsinghua University, China
Ravi Prasher, LBL Associate Director
Alexis Abramson, Dean, School of Engineering at Dartmouth College
Satish Kumar, President and Executive Director, Alliance for an Energy Efficient Economy, India
Yangying Zhu (Moderator), UC Santa Barbara
Wednesday May 20, 2020
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Questions from Zoom Q&A
- Colloquium No. 3: The Brayton Battery
Robert B. Laughlin, Nobel laureate, Stanford University
Alejandro Datas (Bio), Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Spain
Asegun Henry, MIT
Andrew Ponec (Bio), Antora Energy
Mahesh Mahesh Venkataraman (Bio), 1414 Degrees, Australia
Craig Turchi (Moderator), NREL
Wednesday May 13, 2020
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Questions from Zoom Q&A
- Colloquium No. 2: Using the Cold Universe as a Sustainable Energy Resource
Ronggui Yang (Bio), Professor in the School of Energy and Power Engineering at Huazhong University of Science and Technology
David Sailor, Arizona State University
Yuan Yang, Columbia University
Junichiro Shiomi (Moderator), University of Tokyo
Wednesday May 6, 2020
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Questions from Zoom Q&A
- Colloquium No. 1: Five Grand Challenges in Thermal Science and Engineering for Deep Decarbonization
Arun Majumdar, Jay Precourt Provostial Chair Professor at Stanford University (Bio)
Ravi Prasher, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Asegun Henry, MIT
Chris Dames (Moderator), UC Berkeley
Wednesday April 29, 2020
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Questions from Zoom Q&A
Presentation slides
Dr. Bob Low is the Technology Director at Koura Global, UK. He received his PhD in Chemical Engineering in 1990 from the University of Edinburgh, and is a chartered member of the Institution of Chemical Engineers (UK). Dr. Low's specialties include: mathematical modeling, refrigeration and reaction engineering. .
Dr. Schwede is the founder and CEO of Spark Thermionics Inc. He received his B.S. and PhD in Physics in 2007 and 2014 from Yale University and Stanford University, respectively. He was a Project Lead at the Lawrence Berkeley National Lab. In 2016, Dr. Schwede founded Spark Thermionics that develops a "powerplant on a chip," a thermionic energy conversion device that can turn any fuel into electricity very efficiently and with no moving parts.
Prof. Alejandro Datas received his PhD in 2011 from the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Spain, in Photovoltaic Solar Energy. Before joining Universidad Politécnica de Madrid as a faculty member in 2019, he was a research scientist in the same university. His research interests include photovoltaic and thermo-photovoltaic power generation technologies for solar, solar-thermal, and thermal storage applications.
Dr. Guillermo Zaragoza is a senior scientist at the Plataforma Solar de Almería (PSA). He has a degree in astrophysics and a PhD in applied physics. Dr. Zaragoza has worked at the Instituto de Astrofísica de Andalucía of the Spanish Research Council and the Atmospheric Physics department of the University of Oxford but with the new millennium moved to sunnier climates to work on solar energy. He has participated in several European R&D projects on solar thermal energy and desalination. His lecturing activities include a master course on solar energy at the University of Almería and an international course on desalination with solar energy organized by the European Desalination Society.
Dr. Fred Morsefirst became involved in renewable energy issues in the late 1960s when he served as Executive Director of the White House Assessment of Solar Energy as a National Energy Resource. In his work at the US Department of Energy he played a significant role in defining and managing major solar energy R&D programs. Dr. Morse was the Chairman of the Western Governors’ Association Solar Task Force, was a member of the New Mexico CSP Task Force, and is the Chairman of the USP Division of the US Solar Energy Industries Association. Dr. Morse is a graduate of Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, received an M.S. in Nuclear Engineering from MIT and a PhD in Mechanical Engineering from Stanford University.
Dr. Julian Blanco (Engineer by Seville Univ., PhD by Almeria University; Research Professor of Spanish Ministry of Research and Innovation) is currently the Director of Plataforma Solar de Almeria (PSA), Spanish alternate member of Executive Committee of IEA-SolarPACES Program and coordinator of Joint Program on CSP of the European Energy Research Alliance (EERA). He has 30 years of experience working at Plataforma Solar de Almeria (CIEMAT) on CSP related topics.
Elise Strobach received her PhD in Mechanical Engineering from MIT in early 2020 and is a research fellow at the Activate. Elise co-founded the AeroShield and serves as the CEO.
Jürgen Wertenbach was Senior Engineer with more than 40 years of sound experience in the fields of Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning of Passenger cars. Profound knowledge on natural and HFC-refrigerants for the automotive industry. Special skills in safety assessment of A/C systems. Expertise in Thermal Management of EV. Intensive engagement in industry working groups and standardization committees.
Aydin Nabovati is a Principal Thermal Engineer at Tesla. Before joining Tesla, he was a Senior Member of Technical Staff at Advanced Micro Devices, Canada. Aydin Received his PhD in 2009 from the University of New Brunswick in Mechanical Engineering. He was a post doctoral fellow at the University of Toronto in Prof. Cristina Amon's group.
Prof. Alejandro Datas received his PhD in 2011 from the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Spain, in Photovoltaic Solar Energy. Before joining Universidad Politécnica de Madrid as a faculty member in 2019, he was a research scientist in the same university. His research interests include photovoltaic and thermo-photovoltaic power generation technologies for solar, solar-thermal, and thermal storage applications.
Mr. Andrew Ponec is the Co-Founder and CEO at the Antora Energy, CA. He received his B.S. in 2017 from Stanford University in the Energy Systems Engineering.
Dr. Mahesh Venkataraman received his PhD in 2013 from Monash University in Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering. He is the Materials Research Leader at the 1414 Degrees Ltd, Australia. His research interests high temperature electro- and thermo-chemical systems including fuel cells (SOFCs), solar-fuels and thermal energy storage. My current research focusses on utilization of solar energy and other renewable energy resources for power generation, production of H2 and liquid fuels, materials compatibility in concentrated solar power systems and solar metallurgy, with the potential to provide major technological boost to the commercialization of renewable technologies in Australia.
Ronggui Yang is currently a Professor in the School of Energy and Power Engineering at Huazhong University of Science and Technology. He received his PhD from MIT in 2006 and was a faculty member at the University of Colorado Boulder between 2006-2019. Ronggui Yang’s research focuses at the intersection of the fundamentals of thermal transport and micro/nano-structured materials, for solving thermal grand challenges. The radiative cooling technology he co-invented was named top 10 breakthrough in 2017 by the PhysicsWorld. He co-founded Radi-Cool Inc. to commercialize the technology.
Arun Majumdar is the Jay Precourt Provostial Chair Professor at Stanford University, a faculty member of the Departments of Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science and Engineering and co-Director of the Precourt Institute for Energy. He was founding director of the US Advanced Research Projects Agency - Energy (ARPA-E), and served as Vice President for Energy at Google. He is a member of the US National Academy of Engineering and a Fellow of American Academy of Arts and Sciences.
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