High-speed videos show what happens when a droplet splashes into a pool, which may help predict how rain and irrigation systems launch particles and pathogens from watery surfaces.
February 20, 2025 Rooftop panels, EV chargers, and smart thermostats could chip in to boost power grid resilienceThere’s a lot of untapped potential in our homes and vehicles that could be harnessed to reinforce local power grids and make them more resilient to unforeseen outages.
February 18, 2025 J-WAFS: Supporting food and water research across MITProfessors John Hart, Amos Winter, Rohit Karnik, Alex Slocum, and Mathias Kolle are among the MechE faculty members who have created innovative solutions to global challenges with support from J-WAFS funding.
February 16, 2025 Engineers turn the body’s goo into new glueGeorge Degen, a postdoc in Mechanical Engineering, and Gareth McKinley, a professor of mechanical engineering, are among researchers who have developed a new mucus-derived glue.
February 11, 2025 Cultivators of ResearchProfessor Maria Yang, deputy dean of engineering, Kendall Rohsenow Professor, and professor of mechanical engineering, has been selected as a recipient of the Committed to Caring award for 2023-25.