TIBCO Founders Career Development Professor
Hasso Plattner Institute
Ph.D. in Human-Computer InteractionHasso Plattner Institute
M.Sc. in IT-Systems EngineeringUniversity of Applied Science Harz
B.Sc. in Computer Science in MediaI am leading the HCI Engineering Group (HCIE), which works at the intersection of Human Computer Interaction and Personal Fabrication Tools. Our long-term vision is that in the future anybody will be able to create anything anywhere anytime. Working towards this goal, we build novel hardware and software systems that advance personal fabrication technologies. The group is interdisciplinary in nature, i.e., the members of our team have backgrounds in Mechanical Engineering, Computer Science, Electrical Engineering, Robotics, and Physics. Please send me an email if you are interested in working with us.
Stefanie Mueller is an associate professor joint between MIT Electrical Engineering and Computer Science and MIT Mechanical Engineering. She is also a member of the Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory. In her research, she develops novel hardware and software systems that advance personal fabrication technologies. Stefanie has published papers at the most selective HCI venues CHI and UIST, for which she received a best paper award and two best paper nominees. She is also serving on the CHI and UIST program committees as an associate chair. In addition, Stefanie has been an invited speaker at universities and research labs, such as MIT, Harvard, Stanford, UC Berkeley, CMU, Microsoft Research, Disney Research, and Adobe Research.
General Chair
Program Committee Member
6.813 User Interface Design and Implementation (spring semester, co-taught with Rob Miller): Covers design principles, prototyping techniques, evaluation techniques, and the implementation of graphical user interfaces. Deliverables include short programming assignments and a semester-long group project.
6.XXX Engineering Interactive Technologies (first time in fall 2017): Teaches how to build cutting edge interactive technologies and provides an overview of each field. Topics covered include multitouch, augmented reality, haptics, wearables, brain computer interfaces, tangibles, fabrication, and more.
IAP Build your own Acrylic Multi-Touch Pad (IAP 2017): Learn laser cutting, electronics breadboard prototyping, soldering, and computer vision in only two afternoons. In this hands-on IAP, we will build a multitouch pad using the principles of FTIR.