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Instructor Information

faculty photo

Amos Winter (Spring)

Germeshausen Professor

Interest Areas

  1. Engineering Global Development
  2. Design for Highly Constrained Environments
  3. Machine and Product Design

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Sangbae Kim (Spring)

Jerry McAfee (1940) Professor in Engineering

Interest Areas

  1. Bio-inspired Robotics
  2. Bipedal Locomotion
  3. Manipulation

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Warren Seering (Spring)

Weber-Shaughness Professor

Interest Areas

  1. Design
  2. Product Development
  3. Machine Dynamics

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Kaitlyn Becker (Spring)

Henry L. Doherty Career Development Professor in Ocean Utilization

Interest Areas

  1. Soft Robotics
  2. Manufacturing
  3. Machine Design

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David Hardt (Spring)

Ralph E. and Eloise F. Cross Professor in Manufacturing

Interest Areas

  1. Manufacturing Process Control
  2. Large Scale Additive Manufacturing
  3. Smart Manufacturing

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Raymond S McCord (Spring)

Senior Lecturer

Interest Areas

  1. Total Ship System Design
  2. Marine Propulsion and Power Systems
  3. Ship Structural Design and Optimization

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Daniel Braunstein (Spring)

Senior Lecturer

Interest Areas

  1. Early-phase product strategy, design, and technical development
  2. Medical, industrial, and consumer products
  3. Precision machine design and optical metrology

The Birth of a Hands-On Education

The first hands-on classes to teach students not only how to design an object but also how to build it.