Empowering Futures
Celebrating the career of retired Graduate Administrator Leslie Regan
MechE honored the career of Leslie Regan this spring. Regan spent 47 years supporting the department and guiding graduate students through the ups and downs of graduate student life, including personal journeys. From a time when master’s and doctoral students composed their theses on typewriters and made copies using mimeograph machines, through the digital practices of today, Regan was there to offer students support and guidance.

“My heart was with the students. To me it was never really a job, it was a lifetime mission. I really loved seeing them grow and helping them if they had issues,” Regan told MIT News.
As an academic administrator, Regan served as a guiding force for countless graduate students, helping them navigate challenging processes like securing funding, passing qualifying exams, and completing theses. For many students, particularly international students, she provided a reassuring refuge in a new and sometimes overwhelming environment. The dedication and the kindness that Regan showed to her students is echoed in former students’ stories.
In a video message sent for the celebration, Shangzhi Wu SM ’81, MBA ’84, PhD ’85 reminisced about his journey to MIT over 45 years ago, recollecting Regan’s kindness and hospitality as she opened her home in Cape Cod to him and his roommate. When Wu’s wife later came join him in Cambridge, Regan discovered that they hadn’t had an official wedding ceremony. In her characteristic generous manner, she stepped in to organize a celebration at her home, inviting friends to honor the couple’s union.
“You were a wonderful help, to me, and all the students in the MechE Department,” Wu shared, adding that Regan would always have a place to stay should she visit China someday.
With the support of nearly fifty MechE alumni, the department launched the “Leslie Regan Graduate Student Support Fund.” The fund, which will assist MechE graduate students, celebrates Regan’s practices as a beloved figure in the department, with mentorship, compassion, and excellence.