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MechE Foundations

MechE's early years brought life to ideas and technologies that still have an influence on the world today.

MechE Connects Newsletter

From MIT's earliest days, mechanical engineers have tackled challenges of the times – advancing the fundamentals of the discipline, inventing breakthrough technologies, and bringing innovations to scale. In this issue, we explore MechE's history, our Foundations, and celebrate people, spaces, and ideas that have shaped our department and field through the years.
—John Hart, Class of 1922 Professor, Department Head


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MechE Connects Video

“Nobody is getting hired to solve the multiple-choice problems at the end of the chapter.” —Woodie Flowers, SM ‘68, ME ‘70, PhD ’72 (1943-2019)

Dr. Woodie Flowers was a visionary in mechanical engineering education, shaping learning at MIT and beyond. Flowers passed away in 2019, but his legacy lives on – and the magnitude of the educational revolution he helped to evolve was profound.