• Jan. 15, 2018
    What if you could run your air conditioner not on conventional electricity, but on the sun’s heat during a warm summer’s day? With advancements in thermoelectric technology, this sustainable solution...
  • Dec. 12, 2017
    Even superheroes need products to enhance their powers. Thor has a hammer. Wonder Woman has the lasso of truth. Batman has his suit. On Monday evening, teams of mechanical engineering students...
  • Dec. 12, 2017
    Each year the melting of the Charles River serves as a harbinger for warmer weather. Shortly thereafter is the return of budding trees, longer days, and flip-flops. For students of class 2.680 (...
  • Dec. 6, 2017
    Each year the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) honors members who have achieved “extraordinary accomplishments” in their research fields by naming them IEEE Fellows. The...
  • Nov. 27, 2017
    MIT researchers have developed a new system that could potentially be used for converting power plant emissions of carbon dioxide into useful fuels for cars, trucks, and planes, as well as into...
  • Nov. 16, 2017
    Members of the MIT community who passed through the Stata Center courtyard last week likely found it hard not to notice the Lamborghini parked there as if it were visiting from the future. The car’s...
  • Nov. 13, 2017
    A drop or two of cold cream in hot coffee can go a long way toward improving one’s morning. But what if the two liquids didn’t mix? MIT scientists have now explained why under certain conditions a...
  • Nov. 7, 2017
    The reluctance of oil and water to mix together and stay that way is so well-known that it has become a cliché for describing any two things that do not go together well. Now, a new finding from...
  • Nov. 7, 2017
    Today, more than 1.3 billion people are living without regular access to power, including more than 300 million in India and 600 million in sub-Saharan Africa. In these and other developing countries...
  • Oct. 25, 2017
    Imagine hopping into a ride-share car, glancing at your smartphone, and telling the driver that the car’s left front tire needs air, its air filter should be replaced next week, and its engine needs...
  • Oct. 10, 2017
    The albatross is one of the most efficient travelers in the animal world. One species, the wandering albatross, can fly nearly 500 miles in a single day, with just an occasional flap of its wings....
  • Oct. 5, 2017
    This October marks 15 years since Amy Smith, a celebrated inventor and educator, founded MIT D-Lab, which works with people around the world to develop practical solutions to global poverty...
  • Sep. 28, 2017
    This past June, Grace Li '17 stepped off a plane in Paris ready to spend her summer tracking down a silent killer. Now Li, her former teammates, and the flock of trained pigeons who also contributed...
  • Sep. 21, 2017
    Many extreme events — from a rogue wave that rises up from calm waters, to an  instability inside a gas turbine, to the sudden extinction of a previously hardy wildlife species — seem to occur...
  • Sep. 20, 2017
    With goals that include finding better ways to purify and desalinate water, improving fertilizer production, and preventing food contamination, nearly two dozen research teams presented updates on...
  • Sep. 10, 2017
    When freezing droplets impact a surface, they generally either stick to it or bounce away. Controlling this response is crucial to many applications, including 3-D printing, the spraying of some...
  • Sep. 6, 2017
    The Abdul Latif Jameel World Water and Food Security Lab (J-WAFS) has announced three new recipients of J-WAFS Solutions grants, as well as the award of a second year of funding to two current...
  • Aug. 14, 2017
    Battery researchers agree that one of the most promising possibilities for future battery technology is the lithium-air (or lithium-oxygen) battery, which could provide three times as much power for...
  • Aug. 7, 2017
    Infinite Cooling, an energy startup founded at MIT, pitched its business plan to a panel of energy experts and won first place at the second annual Cleantech University Prize (UP) national...
  • Jul. 25, 2017
    The MIT Office of Sustainability (MITOS) has announced the recipients of the first-ever Campus Sustainability Incubator Fund, with $200,000 awarded between four multi-departmental projects, all of...
