Cecil and Ida Green Distinguished Professor
A microfluidic tissue model developed by Professor Roger Kamm finds that Alzheimer’s damage allows toxins to enter the brain, further harming neurons.
Professor Roger Kamm has developed a microfluidic chip containing the first 3-D human tissue model of the interface between motor neurons and muscle fibers. The chip could help researchers test ALS drugs.
MechE researchers across a diverse range of specialties are developing new and innovative ways to deepen our understanding of disease and unlock new therapies to treat it.
Ph.D.Recent Publications (in the past 2 years):
Grass, M., McDougal, A.D., Blazeski, A., Kamm, R.D., García-Cardeña, G. and Dewey Jr, C.F., 2022. A computational model of cardiomyocyte metabolism predicts unique reperfusion protocols capable of reducing cell damage during ischemia/reperfusion. Journal of Biological Chemistry, p.101693.
Maurissen, T.L., Pavlou, G., Bichsel, C., Villaseñor, R., Kamm, R.D. and Ragelle, H., 2022. Microphysiological Neurovascular Barriers to Model the Inner Retinal Microvasculature. Journal of Personalized Medicine, 12(2), p.148.
Kim, M.C., Li, R., Abeyaratne, R., Kamm, R.D. and Asada, H.H., 2022. A computational modeling of invadopodia protrusion into an extracellular matrix fiber network. Scientific Reports, 12(1), pp.1-19.
Hajal, C., Offeddu, G.S., Shin, Y., Zhang, S., Morozova, O., Hickman, D., Knutson, C.G. and Kamm, R.D., 2022. Engineered human blood–brain barrier microfluidic model for vascular permeability analyses. Nature protocols, pp.1-34.
Aydin, O., Passaro, A.P., Raman, R., Spellicy, S.E., Weinberg, R.P., Kamm, R.D., Sample, M., Truskey, G.A., Zartman, J., Dar, R.D. and Palacios, S., 2022. Principles for the design of multicellular engineered living systems. APL bioengineering, 6(1), p.010903.
Wan, Z., Zhong, A.X., Zhang, S., Pavlou, G., Coughlin, M.F., Shelton, S.E., Nguyen, H.T., Lorch, J.H., Barbie, D.A. and Kamm, R.D., 2022. A Robust Method for Perfusable Microvascular Network Formation In Vitro. Small Methods, p.2200143.
Kim, H., Kamm, R.D., Vunjak-Novakovic, G. and Wu, J.C., 2022. Progress in multicellular human cardiac organoids for clinical applications. Cell Stem Cell, 29(4), pp.503-514.
Ko, E. and Kamm, R.D., 2022. Neurovascular models for organ-on-a-chips. In vitro models, pp.1-3.
Ibrahim, L.I., Hajal, C., Offeddu, G.S., Gillrie, M.R. and Kamm, R.D., 2022. Omentum-on-a-chip: A multicellular, vascularized microfluidic model of the human peritoneum for the study of ovarian cancer metastases. Biomaterials, p.121728.
Zhang, Shun, Zhengpeng Wan, Georgios Pavlou, Amy X. Zhong, Liling Xu, and Roger D. Kamm. "Interstitial Flow Promotes the Formation of Functional Microvascular Networks In Vitro through Upregulation of Matrix Metalloproteinase‐2." Advanced Functional Materials 32, no. 43 (2022): 2206767.
Campisi, M., Shelton, S.E., Chen, M., Kamm, R.D., Barbie, D.A. and Knelson, E.H., 2022. Engineered Microphysiological Systems for Testing Effectiveness of Cell-Based Cancer Immunotherapies. Cancers, 14(15), p.3561.
Kim, H., Osaki, T., Kamm, R.D. and Asada, H.H., 2022. Tri‐culture of spatially organizing human skeletal muscle cells, endothelial cells, and fibroblasts enhances contractile force and vascular perfusion of skeletal muscle tissues. FASEB Journal.
Zhang, S., Kan, E.L. and Kamm, R.D., 2022. Integrating functional vasculature into organoid culture: A biomechanical perspective. APL bioengineering, 6(3), p.030401.
Kim, H., Kamm, R.D., Vunjak-Novakovic, G. and Wu, J.C., 2022. Progress in multicellular human cardiac organoids for clinical applications. Cell Stem Cell, 29(4), pp.503-514.
Filippi, Miriam, Oncay Yasa, Roger D Kamm, Ritu Raman, and Robert K. Katzschmann. "Will microfluidics enable functionally integrated biohybrid robots?." Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 119, no. 35 (2022): e2200741119.
Haase, K., Piatti, F., Marcano, M., Shin, Y., Visone, R., Redaelli, A., Rasponi, M. and Kamm, R.D., 2022. Physiologic flow-conditioning limits vascular dysfunction in engineered human capillaries. Biomaterials, 280, p.121248.
Straehla, Joelle P., Cynthia Hajal, Hannah C. Safford, Giovanni S. Offeddu, Natalie Boehnke, Tamara G. Dacoba, Jeffrey Wyckoff, Roger D. Kamm, and Paula T. Hammond. "A predictive microfluidic model of human glioblastoma to assess trafficking of blood–brain barrier-penetrant nanoparticles.” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 119, no. 23 (2022): e2118697119.
Ibrahim, L.I., Hajal, C., Offeddu, G.S., Gillrie, M.R. and Kamm, R.D., 2022. Omentum-on-a-chip: A multicellular, vascularized microfluidic model of the human peritoneum for the study of ovarian cancer metastases. Biomaterials. 2022 Sep;288:121728. doi: 10.1016/j.biomaterials.2022.121728. Epub 2022 Aug 16. PMID: 35995621
Cable J, Arlotta P, Parker KK, Hughes AJ, Goodwin K, Mummery CL, Kamm RD, Engle SJ, Tagle DA, Boj SF, Stanton AE, Morishita Y, Kemp ML, Norfleet DA, May EE, Lu A, Bashir R, Feinberg AW, Hull SM, Gonzalez AL, Blatchley MR, Montserrat Pulido N, Morizane R, McDevitt TC, Mishra D, Mulero-Russe A. Engineering multicellular living systems-A Keystone Symposia report. Ann N Y Acad Sci. 2022 Sep 30. doi: 10.1111/nyas.14896.
Kim, H., Osaki, T., Kamm, R.D. and Asada, H., 2022. Multiscale engineered human skeletal muscles with perfusable vasculature and microvascular network recapitulating the fluid compartments. Biofabrication. 2022 Sep 20. doi: 10.1088/1758-5090/ac933d.
Offeddu GS, Serrano JC, Wan Z, Bryniarski MA, Humphreys SC, Chen SW, Dhoolypala H, Conner K, Kamm RD. Microphysiological endothelial models to characterize subcutaneous drug absorption. ALTEX. 2023;40(2):299–313. doi: 10.14573/altex.2207131. Epub 2022 Dec 15. PMID: 36533850.
Badiola-Mateos, M., Osaki, T., Kamm, R.D. and Samitier, J., 2022. In vitro modelling of human proprioceptive sensory neurons in the neuromuscular system. Scientific Reports, 12(1), pp.1-19.
Ciofani, G., Campisi, M., Mattu, C., Kamm, R.D., Chiono, V., Moothedathu Raynold, A., Freitas, J., redolfi riva, E., Micera, S., Pucci, C. and Novio, F., 2022. Roadmap on Nanomedicine for the Central Nervous System. Journal of Physics: Materials.
Spitz, S., Ko, E., Ertl, P. and Kamm, R.D., 2023. How Organ-on-a-Chip Technology Can Assist in Studying the Role of the Glymphatic System in Neurodegenerative Diseases. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 24(3), p.2171.
Angelidakis E, Chen S, Zhang S, Wan Z, Kamm RD, Shelton SE. Impact of Fibrinogen, Fibrin Thrombi and Thrombin on Cancer Cell Extravasation Using in vitro Microvascular Networks. Adv Healthc Mater. 2023 Apr 29:e2202984. doi: 10.1002/adhm.202202984. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 37119127.
Wan HY, Chen JCH, Xiao Q, Wong CW, Yang B, Cao B, Tuan RS, Nilsson SK, Ho YP, Raghunath M, Kamm RD, Blocki A. Stabilization and improved functionality of three-dimensional perfusable microvascular networks in microfluidic devices under macromolecular crowding. Biomater Res. 2023 Apr 19;27(1):32. doi: 10.1186/s40824-023-00375-w. PMID: 37076899; PMCID: PMC10116810.
Kim DJ, Anandh S, Null JL, Przanowski P, Bhatnagar S, Kumar P, Shelton SE, Grundy EE, Chiappinelli KB, Kamm RD, Barbie DA, Dudley AC. Priming a vascular-selective cytokine response permits CD8+ T-cell entry into tumors. Nat Commun. 2023 Apr 14;14(1):2122. doi: 10.1038/s41467-023-37807-z. PMID: 37055433; PMCID: PMC10101959.
Rustenhoven J, Pavlou G, Storck SE, Dykstra T, Du S, Wan Z, Quintero D, Scallan JP, Smirnov I, Kamm RD, Kipnis J. Age-related alterations in meningeal immunity drive impaired CNS lymphatic drainage. J Exp Med. 2023 Jul 3;220(7):e20221929. doi: 10.1084/jem.20221929. Epub 2023 Apr 7. PMID: 37027179; PMCID: PMC10083715.
Javanmardi, Y., Agrawal, A., Malandrino, A., Lasli, S., Chen, M., Shahreza, S., Serwinski, B., Cammoun, L., Li, R., Jorfi, M. and Djordjevic, B., 2023. Endothelium and Subendothelial Matrix Mechanics Modulate Cancer Cell Transendothelial Migration. Advanced Science, p.2206554.
Serrano, J.C., Gillrie, M.R., Li, R., Ishamuddin, S.H., Moeendarbary, E. and Kamm, R.D., 2023. Microfluidic‐Based Reconstitution of Functional Lymphatic Microvasculature: Elucidating the Role of Lymphatics in Health and Disease. Advanced Science, p.2302903.
Maurissen, T.L., Spielmann, A.J., Schellenberg, G., Bickle, M., Vieira, J.R., Lai, S.Y., Pavlou, G., Fauser, S., Westenskow, P.D., Kamm, R.D. and Ragelle, H., 2024. Modeling early pathophysiological phenotypes of diabetic retinopathy in a human inner blood-retinal barrier-on-a-chip. Nature Communications, 15(1), p.1372.
Cambria, E., Coughlin, M.F., Floryan, M.A., Offeddu, G.S., Shelton, S.E. and Kamm, R.D., 2024. Linking cell mechanical memory and cancer metastasis. Nature Reviews Cancer, pp.1-13.